Also known as:
A. The day I thought I'd never get home to the Philippines
B. The longest day of the whole trip take two
C. The day I finally got to go to Haw Par Villa
Pero I ended the last post with me realizing my passport was missing, so let me finish that night first.
I was fixing my things that night when it dawned on me...

A. The day I thought I'd never get home to the Philippines
B. The longest day of the whole trip take two
C. The day I finally got to go to Haw Par Villa
Pero I ended the last post with me realizing my passport was missing, so let me finish that night first.
I was fixing my things that night when it dawned on me...

Tess, Daffy, and Mickey quickly got up and helped me look for it.
We checked everywhere, okay. Under the bed, under the sink, under all the couches,
in drawers we never opened before, in drawers we never knew existed, in each of our bags,
in the safe (where I should have put it in the first place),
Panic started to sink in when Tess suddenly said,
"What if it's in Mom or Lola's room?"
To which I said,
"My key card works for all our rooms..."
So down the hall we went in our pajamas and hotel slippers...
Everyone was already asleep when we snuck in, so we didn't turn on any of the lights.
We used Daffy's phone light to find Mom's suitcase, then we started making kalikot. (To no avail)
When my passport wasn't there, we went next door to Ate Diday's room.
No passport there either, but Tess did find some bread and Nutella.
I asked Tess and Daffy to get me up the next morning so I could tell my parents
about the passport early. I didn't want my passport issue to kill my plans with Camille,
a friend of Ina's who I met only once before she left for Singapore to study!
Eh since I was worrying the whole night, I fell asleep really really late...
Tess and Daffy wanted to kill me the next morning cos my alarm was ruining their sleep time.
When I woke up, I went straight to my parents' room where I finally told them
what was going on. No one got mad at me (WHEW) but they did call housekeeping for a last check.
They were like the FBI in their suits, and check out that amazing flashlight the lady's holding!
That guy in the photo asked me, "Why did you put your passport on the table?"
Ate Diday wanted to say "Uh... That's what a table is for?"
I was super late for my meeting with Camille pero she was super nice about it.
When she found out kasi na I was going to be in Singapore for a few days,
she offered to take me wherever I wanted to go and I wanted to go to Haw Par Villa
and she was super game because she's super nice about everything jdkfjhksdfg
This is Camille YAY!
We had lunch and then it was off to Haw Par Villa!
Tess and Daffy take selfies everywhere
Okay so I was super kaduper excited to be here because my Ate told me about it
and after doing some research and seeing photos of the place, I knew that
I NEEDED to see it for real at least once in my life!!!
This is Tess breaking rules as usual :-D
Camille told me that the caretakers kick people out before 6pm.
As in they make sure that no one else is inside the premises
by the time it gets dark. Why kaya? Ooooooooh
Trachea and the lolo welcome you to Haw Par Villa...
Guys I will never be able to fully express how excited I was when we walked in
Errr. This is us about to walk into hell,
so if you guys hate blood, please stop reading this entry. LOL.
(The horse and the bull on either side of the gate are the guardians!)
Extra note: The walkway we were standing on used to be a river long ago,
and that tunnel used to be a whole dragon! (You enter it's mouth and go through its
body then it poops you out when the exhibit is over)
Chinese hell is a bit like Dante's inferno.
Everyone gets put into one of the ten courts of hell,
and then they get punished depending on the sin they committed.
These photos don't need captions anymore. Enjoy them nalang!
Hello! After the hell exhibit, we walked around and found a giant sumo wrestler.
Tess and Daffy got to climb him with no problem because:
1. They are both gifted with height
2. There were no guards to tell them off
This photo shows how hard it is to climb the sumo wrestler without the height.
We changed places because Tracy said it was easier over on her side,
and she was right! I can now say I climbed a sumo wrestler
Tess, Dafflescia, and Trachea gave up because of the heat and left.
Camille and I didn't mind the heat so much, so we stayed behind.
There were adorable animals who acted human,
Giant scary god heads with hair that needed shampoo-ing,
The Goddess of Mercy on a lotus flower,
(Does anyone watch Gensoumaden Saiyuki?)
Really wild mermaid parties,
Human-headed crabs,
Guys who needed to shave really badly,
Friendly turtles,
Sanzo (also from Saiyuki),
Ana witnessing a fight between Goku and Nataku,
(I'm not kidding, look for me. I'm next to the referee)
And turtles who decided to have a reunion under a bridge.
My Dad called me while Camille was taking a bathroom break and
he told me that I had to go back to the hotel because I had to fix passport things.
I left Haw Par a really happy girl, though!
Camille stayed in Ion while I organized my life with Miko, Dad, Kuya Leo, and Uncle Lawrence
(who gave us angpau - it WAS Lunar New Year nga naman. Thank you very much Uncle Lawrence!)
After the passport stuff was done for the day, I went to get Camille and invited
her to have dinner with us. They served us Yusheng (am I correct? I just Googled this)
and taught us how to do the "Prosperity Toss"
Camille and I took this photo for Ina because it was her one request.
I quote, "your mission: take a picture together forming a heart in a nice place and send ina"
Miko and I took Camille to the MRT station and we passed by this along the way...
After saying goodbye, we went to Miko's place again,
this time to build his chairs. (Building drawers is more fun)
And then finally back home!
(Where Daffy and Tess were watching the Rich Kids of Beverly Hills -
they advise you not to watch the first episode, but the rest are funny na daw)
1. I'm so happy you guys got to see each other!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete2. "Net wake up"
3. Omg ang wild ng mermaids sobrang slutita yung peg
5. Fap Room
2. You wouldn't even say this u would just jump on me
3. #WalwalParty
5. Ikr
ang cute ni daffy sarap kagatin sa pisngi
ReplyDeleteAy may gahd
DeleteAna, did u ever find your passport? Where was it pala??
ReplyDeleteDafflescia- i see what u did there. hehe
GoDaffy! ;)
Nowhere! Disappeared forevah
Deletewere you able to find your passport at all?
ReplyDeleteNope, sadly.
DeleteMark stop hitting on mu bro it's disturbing.
Mickey ;)
what was the hotel you stayed at?
ReplyDeleteGrand Hyatt. :-)