Hello! Meet my room (which I didn't want at first because 1. It was so close to the door which
would mean that I would have to answer it whenever someone was gonna knock - hehe
2. The other room had a balcony!!! 3. The other room had a nicer view, ok)
Ay ay ay before anything else I should say that I am in a two-bedroom suite with
my mom and Ate Diday! Kuya Dennis and Kuya Manolo each have their own
rooms on a different floor. This is our living room.
You can't really see Mom and Ate Diday's room, but this is it.
The first day's morning was a lazy morning.
The view from our balcony!
Here's a better look at the Public Library from the last post -
it's cute, 'no? It would be fun to play Katamari here.
Halu our bathroom mirrors are circles
Everyone met up at our room at around 9:45am and I was laughing
at Kuya because he went jogging that morning and got lost.
He ended up at Harlem and didn't know how to
get back. He didn't have any money on him either, so instead of getting a cab,
he had to jog all the way back to the hotel. He jogged about 17km :-))
At 10am, we left to walk to a nearby Best Buy.
We looked around a bit and I saw a new Wacom Bamboo tablet model
but I decided against it. Didn't need it + save money!!!
I WAS looking for some 4LR44 batteries for Spencer,
my film camera, though. Didn't find any huhu.
At 10:30am we had to take a cab to Norma's because Ate Diday made
a 10:45am reservation, and it was really funny because when we called
a cab, Mom, Ate Diday, Kuya Manolo and I got in.
Eh in New York, only four people are allowed in a cab - but
Kuya Manolo still didn't leave the car and Kuya Dennis had to get a cab
alone. That's him standing at the sidewalk waiting lol
In this photo, Ate Diday's laughing and saying, "What a brother you are, Manolo!!!"
Turns out he didn't know what was going on the whole time because he
was on his phone - probably playing a game :-))
Poof! We got to Norma's! We went here for brunch. The entrance of the place
has a projected clock on the floor and I found it kyot.
I like the "MOM CAN'T MAKE THIS" section of the menu.
The girls shared a four-cheese omelet and a bacon + cheese + egg pizza!
After brunch, Kuya Dennis went on his own to check out a golf store,
and the rest of us got on a cab to Bloomingdale's.
I didn't feel like going in there, so Ate Diday pointed out the H&M in front of
the mall. I got some office clothes (I start work on September 1!!!) and then I headed towards
Bloomingdale's, past it, and into Urban Outfitters (There are a bunch of branches everywhere,
and I go into every new one if I can because I LOVE THIS STORE PLEASE)
When I got to Urban Outfitters, a lady went up to me and asked for directions
to H&M (probably because I had a shopping bag with me) and buti nalang hindi
ako napahiya! I was able to explain the directions properly ("Uh, you just go
straight ahead, past Bloomingdale's" LOL) and she thanked me before leaving.
When I was done, I walked to Bloomingdales and met up with Mom and Ate Diday,
who were at Louis Vuitton. Kuya Manolo was there on the couch, so I sat there too
and had a game of Hungry Shark (which I had to start over because it my phone deleted
everything when I went back to IOS6 from IOS7!!! Huhu).
and had a game of Hungry Shark (which I had to start over because it my phone deleted
everything when I went back to IOS6 from IOS7!!! Huhu).
After Mom paid, we went to a restaurant because she wanted to eat something.
Ate Diday says this piece of bread is called a Popover. It's a hollow cute bread!
I had sliders! (I was only able to eat one and I had the rest of them packed for me)
After shopping + meriends, we all met up at the hotel. I chilled for a little bit,
then it was off to a store called Adorama with Kuya. I was trying to look for
4LR44 batteries again, and I finally found them!
Hemingway, when we were on our way into the store, I saw this guy
standing outside with a really big camera. I couldn't stop thinking about him
and about how I should have taken his photo. When we were done paying,
we went out and he was still there, so I decided I had to go say something.
ANA: Hi, excuse me. Can I take your photo? I really like your camera.
GUY: You do?
ANA: Yeah! Can I take your photo with it?
GUY: Sure, but you only get one shot.
I laughed and took a photo, then I showed it to him.

GUY: Oh okay. I think you know what you're doing.
ANA: Yay! Can I take another one?

After I showed him my second shot, he asked me to write down his name
and to look for him on Facebook. He spelled it out for me - Louis Mendes.
Turns out he's a street photographer who goes around taking photos
of people! He's pretty popular, and he's been using that big camera since 1959.
After that, I had dinner with Ate Diday and Kuya Dennis at Bryant Park Grill - again.
There was some sort of drive-in movie at the park, except without all the cars.
They were showing E.T. with all the people sitting down on the grass.
It was cute.
You ate in David Burke?? Love it there the pizaa is yum and rootbeer float is even hummer!!!!
DeleteAy naku, I will get my ass to NYC soon enough.
ReplyDeleteThat library is driving me nuts. Gaaaaahhhh!
Cngratulations on your job - how was your first day? ;)
Go go go!!!
DeleteThank you - and sorry I haven't replied grabe it's been a month!!!